Everyone wants to change the world,
but no-one wants to do the dishes.
Let’s be people who change the world by doing the dishes.
One thought on “Everyone wants to change the world, but no-one wants to do the dishes.”
Hello Dan,
Warm greetings in the name of our Father of Lights, Jesus our Savior, and our Holy Spirit Comforter.
I learned of your website from a citation on a photo of Joni. Joni has inspired me often during the 39 years since the Lord saved my soul. I love Joni and admire her many talents through which she glorifies God.
As a brand new visitor to your site, I am about to explore it and your ministry. So far, I only read as far as, “EVERYONE WANTS TO CHANGE THE WORLD, BUT NO-ONE WANTS TO DO THE DISHES”, and noticed the opportunity to comment.
Sir… be encouraged in your work for Christ’s Kingdom. Do not become weary, even when it seems that no one is there for you. The Lord is always preparing us for more of His work. Know that you are having an impact for the Gospel of Jesus. Stay strong. Stay determined.
Praying that our faithful and loving King will bless you in a special way today, sincerely,
One thought on “Everyone wants to change the world, but no-one wants to do the dishes.”
Hello Dan,
Warm greetings in the name of our Father of Lights, Jesus our Savior, and our Holy Spirit Comforter.
I learned of your website from a citation on a photo of Joni. Joni has inspired me often during the 39 years since the Lord saved my soul. I love Joni and admire her many talents through which she glorifies God.
As a brand new visitor to your site, I am about to explore it and your ministry. So far, I only read as far as, “EVERYONE WANTS TO CHANGE THE WORLD, BUT NO-ONE WANTS TO DO THE DISHES”, and noticed the opportunity to comment.
Sir… be encouraged in your work for Christ’s Kingdom. Do not become weary, even when it seems that no one is there for you. The Lord is always preparing us for more of His work. Know that you are having an impact for the Gospel of Jesus. Stay strong. Stay determined.
Praying that our faithful and loving King will bless you in a special way today, sincerely,