7 Things I’m celebrating from 2016!

My heart is centered on ministering to vulnerable East African children through the work of Lahash International. As I look back on the past year there are a lot of heavy things on my mind. There were failures, sicknesses, missed expectations, regional violence, and relational frictions. Those are real. But there is also a lot to celebrate as well! At this point I can choose to focus on the hardships – or on the places where God demonstrated his power and love in our midst. Here are the top 7 things I’m celebrating this year!
1. We opened a new partnership in Rwanda!
Over the past year our team has been working with an East African ministry in central Rwanda to see if our values and vision line up. We’ve just wrapped up a testing period and we’re going to unveil all the details on January 30th. But the summary is that now many incredible (yet extremely vulnerable) kids in Rwanda will be welcomed into the Lahash Sponsorship program over the next year. Exciting!
2. God provided a new office for our team!
Early in the year we knew we were outgrowing our old office space and needed to move to a better situation. In February we were holding onto mere prayers and faith. Nothing seemed to be working out. But then… over the course of the next several months we found the perfect spot for our U.S. headquarters, were able to raise $52,000, and then complete renovations and move into the building. We saw God’s hand move in ways we never thought possible. This experience built up the faith of our whole team! Check out the video below celebrating the start of the renovation process. Or check out this Facebook photo album to see the finished work.
We did it! NextLahash is happening! from Lahash International on Vimeo.
3. We added 100 more kids to our sponsorship program!
There are so many vulnerable kids living in East Africa. War, disease, and corruption continue to be serious obstacles in communities across the region. With the help and prayers of many friends from around the world we continue to take steps into the darkness and join Christ in bringing light to this kids’ lives. Our sponsorship program grew by 100 children this past year. We now provide holistic care for nearly 400 children. What an honor it is to know and support these kids!
4. 60 kids came to know Christ!
In the summer our staff and volunteer team joined with the local church in Dodoma, Tanzania to put on a multi-day Bible Camp. A total of 130 kids were able to attend Bible Camps through the generous donations of friends around the world (and a large gift from our home church Trinity). Delicious meals were shared, games were played, deep conversations held, and then… God brought 60 kids to new life in Christ! We can’t wait to see what God will do through this next generation of Christ-followers in East Africa. Watch the video below or head over to the Lahash Blog to read more.
Bible Camp Blessings from Lahash International on Vimeo.
5. God Provided for our family through gifts from dozens of friends!
Our family is only able to minister in this unique way on behalf of East Africans because of the GENEROUS gifts of so many friends around the world! To those who’ve shared throughout the year – THANK YOU! If you’d like to contribute to our family ministry fund and help provide for our needs in the new year – we have specific needs right now. We had a gap of $5,200 in the fund – and this month friends have already given $850!
We still need $4,350 before the end of the year. Would you pray about giving to our ministry fund? We need both one-time and monthly pledges.
6. We had a new baby boy!
On November 17th, our family welcomed Pascal Shalom into the wide world. What a special gift he is to our family! Mama Erin is doing great and the girls are really enjoying being big sisters to him. Praise God for new life and for his incredible creativity.

7. A total of $3 Million was donated for our ministry over the years
In September our team celebrated passing the $3 Million mark for donations raised for our ministry in East Africa. Wow! It has been an incredible journey so far seeing the mobilization of thousands of people from around the world raise their voices, volunteer, serve, and contribute toward this vital ministry.
When I look at the goodness of God and see his unmistakable hand on my life and the life of our ministry team I can’t help but be full of gratitude! I’m thankful for these 7 high points from 2016 and I look ahead to what God will do this next year.
How was your year? Anything you are choosing to celebrate? Leave any of your thoughts or comments in the section below.